Monday, September 9, 2013

I must have appeared just a bit crazy

The one thing I can honestly say about social media is you have the opportunity to meet some fascinating individuals.  A few people I've had the opportunity to engage with have the interesting profession of voice actor.  I suppose the main quality that impresses me the most is the ability to convey emotion with nothing but the sound of his or her voice.  It's impressive.  On one occasion I was listening intently to "bloopers" while Pinteresting.  I've seen the show in question.  I honestly don't need to watch it to know at what point in the script the actors are reading.  In any case, I was enjoying the missed lines and errors.  I thought I was alone.  I've been accustomed to wearing headphones for some time.  However, it's normal for me to be involved in a chat (video or otherwise), in a class, seminar, webinar, or listening to music.  This day I was doing none of those and I felt as if I was being watched.  As I turned around, my Mom slowly pulled her hand away.  She'd intended on tapping me on the shoulder.  I realized I must have appeared just a bit crazy.  It obviously seemed as if I was laughing for no reason.  Mom just wanted to know if I wanted anything for lunch.  However, there's no telling how long she had been standing there puzzled by my unusual behavior.  Way to go - me.  Lesson learned, either be more attentive or cut back on the multi-tasking lest I appear to be something I'm not.  I would suppose this lesson applies both online and off.  Although I admit this is the first time I've honestly been concerned with offline perceptions due to my online activities.  Usually it's the other way around.      

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