Friday, March 24, 2023


I was talking to a friend about security challenge questions. One of them was, "best friend in first grade". She said, "what the heck! How am I supposed to remember that? Do you remember yours?" I chuckled and told her to pick a name she liked and would remember, an imaginary friend. It's safer that way. Thankfully, she laughed it off. If I'm being honest, I do remember.

I didn't attend kindergarten. I tested out and skipped it.
First grade: Dawn
Second grade: I was out ill most of the year but probably Pete
Third grade: Francis
Fourth and Fifth grade: Michelle 
Sixth grade: Jane
Seventh grade: Rebecca 
Eighth grade: Sean
Ninth Grade: Glenda
Tenth Grade: Tammy
Eleventh grade: Todd
Twelth grade: Matt

In college I had a very small circle of friends. My best friend through college, if you don't include my brother was Alf.

First Job out of college was college professor. My best friend was an intern who's still one of my best friends today: Chris.

Next career change, The Franklin but hired by AIG. Best friend at work was Mikki.

Next career change, The Federal Reserve Bank. Best friend at work... Okay, you got me. It's very strongly Jeff. However, it could be Marge, Joe, John,... This was my home.

Next career change, I'm not certain how to label it so bear with me. Best friend, I'm going to say Jodi. I have a lot of friends. However, Jodi and I talk extensively about non work related things.

Best friend as an adult: if you don't take into account my family members of which there are many, I can name several but don't want to leave anyone out. If I had to name one or a few, I'd go with Stacey, Franky, and Chris.

It's not that you can't remember. It's that you unconsciously prioritize what you remember. That's why if you ask me the day and date, it might take me a minute.

Oh and if you require someone to hate on about those obnoxious security questions, I used to help write those. 

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