Friday, May 5, 2023

If you truly listen

Our Grandmother valued the arts. She loved music that you couldn't find anywhere but could play on the piano. My cousin Odie used to play for her. A lot of the time there was no sheet music. Odie taught most of us how to play the piano. I'm going to have to say he did it so he wouldn't be the only one who could play for our Grandmother. While he did teach us how to play the good old fashioned traditional way. He also taught most of us how to play by ear. As I mentioned previously, a lot of the songs had no sheet music. We learned to listen. At the time, I thought he was teaching us how to play the piano. I never realized he imparted an even more valuable skill, just being able to listen and hear what you can't see. I've found it particularly useful when learning new things, in my different careers, and in life in general. You can't always see it. However, if you take the time to listen, you'll always hear it. He always told me of all the arts, he loved music the most. It was because your eyes and other senses can lie to you but if you truly listen, you'll hear it. He didn't necessarily mean with your ears. He wasn't wrong when he said, "if you're really listening, you can never be lied to". I believe many people really listen. They just elect to lie to themselves.

He once told me, "real songs have no sheet music just like life has no script." I think I finally understand. I just wish he was still around for me to tell him.

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