There's this filter that keeps you from
saying things you'll later regret. This filter exists in your mind.
Think before you open your mouth and you'll be fine. The same
applies for anything you publish. Make no mistake, if you post, tweet, say, seem to think, or upload
something you have published it as a virtual representation of something
you believe. Unlike real life, bad
days can be deleted. They may not be easily forgotten but at least no one else is
going to believe you're always that way.
It's important in a
virtual community not to take things too seriously. People will have
differing points of view. People view their profile page or their news feed as their online home.
Therefore they feel they have the right to express whatever personal
views and opinions they have at the moment. Often they don't consider
the audience. Unlike real life our virtual homes have the ability to
impact the lives of so many more people.
It's sad to see so many
people unhappy because they feel personally attacked by their friends or colleagues. Most assuredly unless you really are by name overwhelmed by a
flood of negativity, nothing that any of your friends or colleagues post, tweet, say, seem to think, or upload is intentionally directed
at you. Consider it as offensive as the evening news. You certainly don't agree with all of it. It may upset you on occasion. Yet you're aware the news crew is not referring directly to you.
Never take
things too personally. It's almost guaranteed it isn't personal.
They're just people stating opinions that may or may not be exactly the
same as your own. Please know that you do have friends who may not be
as vocal but certainly enjoy being a part of your life. If someone's
posts, tweets, or uploads really bother you that much, you always have options so you no longer see that which offends or bothers you. Some people somehow lack
or fail to utilize this filter that keeps most of us from
saying things we'll later regret
that in turn keeps us from emotionally traumatizing or ostracizing others.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Friday, August 30, 2013
Technology is a Double Edged Sword
often believe people use technology as a means to justify not keeping in touch
with the people they care about the most. I find it's a double edged
sword. It's both a wonderful way to stay in touch and a fabulous way
to avoid being in contact. I'm not implying the latter is always intentional,
simply that it can often be the case. Missing calls or texts. Not noticing voice mail. Being too preoccupied with a project or daily life. Not responding to social media, voice mail, or e-Mail. If one is remiss in acting upon using the benefits of technology for too long, it's easy to lapse into a cycle of unintentional neglect facilitated by the very technology that simplifies engaging in communication. In this world filled with cellphones, tablets, PDA's, iPods, laptops, and apps to fulfill every need imaginable the only component that really matters is the human one.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
The Fork in the Road
This is my version of the proverbial fork in the road. It's that place where life forces you to make a decision. Often this decision is irreversible. More times than not there is no switch up ahead to put you back on track if you took the course that lead to the less desirable of the two outcomes. Life isn't a train station. You can't notice you're going the wrong direction, get off at the next stop, and simply correct your course. Life is a series of decisions both conscious and subconscious. Instead of simply being a passenger on life's journey, be the conductor. Plan your route. Factor in your stops. Instead of leaving things to chance, allow yourself time to engage interesting activities, places, and people. Learn from others. Allow others to learn from you. Your life will be richer for it. A fork in a road or a decision you need to make is just an opportunity life has gifted you. Don't shut your eyes until the decision makes itself, it's too late, or the opportunity has long passed. Instead take control of your life, make the decision, and face the consequences. More often than not the decision you make will be the right one for you.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Nine ingredients that make any dish healthier
When I was younger, I may or may not have read this article. It would depend on my time constraints. There were so many other professional articles and articles that were more pertinent to my daily life that this one would probably have been placed in that ever growing "to do" pile. Now that I'm older, I find I'm more health conscious. Not only am I conscious of ingredients I use but also of prepared products I use and consume. I even find myself scanning the healthy menu at sit down and fast food restaurants. It's not something I do on a conscious level, it's just something I find myself doing or realize I've done later. While I'm neither overweight nor unhealthy, logic dictates it's far better to take preventative measures than regret not doing so later.
Nine Ingredients that Make Any Dish Healthier
Nine Ingredients that Make Any Dish Healthier
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
I never understood why parents refused to allow their children pets. We have two dogs at the house. My niece has her turtle. Each of my daughters has a pet or two. It gives them something to be responsible for other than themselves. They forge connections and attachments. They learn how to care for their pet and what makes their pet unique not only as a different kind of animal but in personality. Having this extended understanding of another creature makes them better people. In a world that's filled with difficulties, having responsibilities and routines gives stability. The added benefit of having something to care for and care about that also cares for you in return is well worth the investment.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Awesome Firepit Swingset
I read the title and raised an eyebrow. It sounds like a terrible idea. Swings tend to be dangerous by themselves. Adding fire anywhere near a swing just sounds awful. However, if you actually look at the design it's very attractive and interesting. I can see where this would be a welcome addition particularly in the cooler months. I almost wonder if the dangerous sounding title was intentional. Most people are more apt to be interested in that which elicits an emotional response. It doesn't matter if that reaction is positive or negative. People in general are drawn to it. These emotionally loaded titles are what they're drawn to, what they'll read and what they'll share with others. On some level whether it's shocking, surprising, makes them smile or laugh, makes them angry, makes them think or makes them curious, it changes the way they look at things if only for a moment. Most people are compelled to share their feelings whether or not they're aware of them. Intentional or accidental it's a great marketing tactic. Many people read this admittedly wonderful article just out of curiosity.
Awesome Firepit Swingset
Awesome Firepit Swingset
Sunday, August 25, 2013
I Had a Wonderful Time
I spent a day visiting a new micro-brewery. It's a good way to support local businesses. They purchase all they use from local producers. Afterward, we went shopping. My daughter bought ice cream. We ate in the park. We visited the cemetery. I wish I would've brought flowers. We ended the day playing video games. It was a good day.
Did I mention that I've never liked beer. I simply don't enjoy the taste of hops. I also dislike shopping. The stores are always too crowded. People tend to be so preoccupied with their own needs that shopping makes many of them very rude. Many people also have issues controlling their children these days.
I've seen pets, not assistance animals, but just pets places I'm relatively certain you're not allowed to have pets. It's a little dog not a child. It doesn't belong at the mall, shopping center, boutique, or the grocery store. It's not simply a matter of being annoying or a nuisance. Some of us are allergic. It's inconsiderate.
I dislike beer and the perils of shopping. Yet, I still enjoyed my day. Ordinarily, one would suppose this would be a terrible itinerary. However, it's not what you're doing, it's with whom you're spending you're time that makes it both enjoyable and memorable. I very much enjoyed spending time with my daughter and her fiance`. I had a wonderful day with my family. That above all is what made my day a good day. Often it's easy to forget that it's the people in our lives that make the daily and significant events in life special.
Did I mention that I've never liked beer. I simply don't enjoy the taste of hops. I also dislike shopping. The stores are always too crowded. People tend to be so preoccupied with their own needs that shopping makes many of them very rude. Many people also have issues controlling their children these days.
I've seen pets, not assistance animals, but just pets places I'm relatively certain you're not allowed to have pets. It's a little dog not a child. It doesn't belong at the mall, shopping center, boutique, or the grocery store. It's not simply a matter of being annoying or a nuisance. Some of us are allergic. It's inconsiderate.
I dislike beer and the perils of shopping. Yet, I still enjoyed my day. Ordinarily, one would suppose this would be a terrible itinerary. However, it's not what you're doing, it's with whom you're spending you're time that makes it both enjoyable and memorable. I very much enjoyed spending time with my daughter and her fiance`. I had a wonderful day with my family. That above all is what made my day a good day. Often it's easy to forget that it's the people in our lives that make the daily and significant events in life special.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Remember and Learn From Your Past
This is one of the older style McDonald's restaurants. There are a number of McDonald's in the area but my youngest daughter and I prefer not only the food, the service, and the convenient location of this one but also the novelty of it. I suppose we could stop at a McDonald's that is equally convenient, with good service and food earlier or later in our route but it's not quite the same. There is something different about old fashioned fast food places, restaurants, and locations. One would have to visit and stay awhile or at least have a basis for comparison to understand my meaning.
Similarly, there are other restaurants that have modern counter parts. We prefer the original setting. It's a reminder of a time that has long past. For a little while, you are surrounded by the sights, sounds, and smells of the past. It brings back positive memories. If time travel is possible this is how one would facilitate it. Simply step through the doors of your favorite memory. Reminisce but don't allow yourself to stay. The best thing about the past is remembering and learning from it. Even sitting in an old fashioned fast food place there are many memories and much to learn. The best thing about learning is when your truly learn from your past, you grow from it. That alone is reason enough to explore the many little or not altered locations, restaurants, and fast food places one would ordinarily pass over for something a little more modern.
Friday, August 23, 2013
A Different Perspective
When we're in a rush, my daughters and I order take out and eat on the way or in the closest park. This is a park we've eaten lunch in for years. It's usually crowded. It has walking trails, a dog park, Frisbee golf, and all the other usual park amenities. We spend a lot of time talking, looking up directions, reading, with visiting pets in the dog park, eating,... Until recently, I never really took photographs of the park itself. For that matter, I never really looked at the park. I looked at trees and plants. I looked at the architecture and structure of things in the park like the bridge and buildings. I looked at the dog park and the trails. It's a park.
Recently I decided to take photographs. I stepped back. I looked at things from a different perspective. I saw an entirely different park than the one I'd been coming to for the last few years. Sometimes I believe we need to do this with other aspects of our lives or just life in general. We grow so accustomed to seeing things the way we do on an everyday basis that we miss how incredible it really is from a different perspective. I think that's why things get taken for granted. It's because we get accustomed to it's presence. When you always see something, somehow it isn't nearly as wonderful as just seeing it. The next time you grow restless or believe you lack something in life, adjust your perspective. You'll find seeing things differently makes you appreciate them more. You'll also notice your life is far richer than you believed.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Sometimes it's not about you
I hear it all the time. What did I do? Why is he/she angry with me? What can I do to fix things? The answer to this and many other "me" centric questions is: It probably has nothing to do with you. You most likely didn't do anything out of the ordinary. He/she is angry and taking it out on you but not actually angry with you. There isn't really anything you can do to fix things. As a parent, relative, and friend I understand the whole "must fix it" complex but sometimes, much of the time it doesn't involve you so you can't fix it. I'm not saying walk away. I'm saying give your child, relative, or friend room to figure things out on his/her own. Be there and really listen. It does no one any good for all parties to be upset. Also, if you ask someone (like me) for advice, remember you asked for advice. Don't go on the defensive. I'm not taking sides. At the same time, as your friend I won't lie to you.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Five surprising high fiber breakfasts
I like this article because it lists alternatives to traditional breakfasts that you wouldn't immediately think of on your own. I enjoy trying new things. I find many people complain about being "in a rut" or "stuck" but never take action to change it. While you can't turn your life around over night, you can take steps to improving it. One manner by which you can move fore ward is by trying something different. It simply takes you out of your comfort zone. You don't even need to do anything terribly drastic. You can start by trying something new for breakfast for example.
Five Surprising High Fiber Breakfasts
Five Surprising High Fiber Breakfasts
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Creative Common License
A Creative Commons (CC) license is one of several public copyright licenses that allow the distribution of copyrighted works. A Creative Commons license is used when an author wants to give people the right to share, use, and even build upon a work that they have created. CC provides an author flexibility (for example, they might choose to allow only non-commercial uses of their own work) and protects the people who use or redistribute an author's work, so they don’t have to worry about copyright infringement, as long as they abide by the conditions the author has specified.
There are several types of CC licenses. The licenses differ by several combinations that condition the terms of distribution. They were initially released on December 16, 2002 by Creative Commons, a U.S. non-profit corporation founded in 2001.
An elegant and versatile vector set, vectorized from an antique french type foundry catalog.
Create dozens of different vintage frames by mixing the ornamental elements. Six frames combinations included, and you have all the vector elements to create more!
Create dozens of different vintage frames by mixing the ornamental elements. Six frames combinations included, and you have all the vector elements to create more!
270 Free Vintage Vectors
Free to use for Personal and Commercial use!
I was using StumbleUpon to pass the time. I stumbled upon these useful vectors under creative common license for both personal and business use. In general, many useful items under creative common license are for personal use only with a fee for business use. I decided to share this with you. I hope you have a productive day.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Some people hide online
I suppose what makes this so interesting to me is that people assume if you're good and don't use voice, you're male. It doesn't matter what's on your profile or bio or what you tell them. In particular, if you happen to excel at something male dominated like a shooter game -- that makes you male. It fascinates me. In particular because on another note, I have male friends who excel at imitating female behavior (for years). Since online gaming is an escape from the real world for most people, I never understood what was the big deal with gender.
When Social Networking became en vogue many people weren't comfortable using their own photographs on their profiles. With the many security leaks and issues as to who owns your content I understand. Personally, I use both an avatar and a nickname on the great majority of my social media. Unlike many other people, it's not to hide my identity. I would be doing a very poor job if that were the case. It's a very deliberate way to associate myself with familiar things from my past that people I know would recognize.
Ana is my name. Yes really. It's on my business card. My friends call me Ana. On the reverse side of my business card is my family during beta in Glitch the game. My oldest daughter started playing during college. She invited myself and her sisters. It was a great way to stay in touch while we were apart. We still game together. Technology is a great way to facilitate communication when we're apart. Glitch is special to us. This is why I placed it on my business card and use it on some of my social media.
I use @blastkat or /blastkat or blastkat because I use blastkat for all my social media. Blastkat is a childhood nickname. My favorite book as a child was "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Caroll. My favorite character was the Chesshire Cat. I identified with it. For awhile I was Chesshire Cat because I was quiet and I came and went from room to room without people noticing as if I was vanishing. As children we didn't cuss. My Grandmother wouldn't have it. "blast" or "blast you" was as close as we came to cussing until Battlestar Galactica came out on television and we added another non-cuss word "frack" to our vocabulary. One year on vacation, I shot one of my cousins with a cap gun. I didn't mean to have the toy so close to his skin. He cussed at me the only way we could as children. He yelled, "blast cat"! It stuck. When I started using the name on regular arcade games, it was usually taken. Most arcade games after all did involve blasting. I changed the c to a k and have used it since. I was around eight when that happened.
The avatars I use on my profile are both custom designed by me. The profile photograph is one of my Second Life avatars: Andilynah Lorefield. There is a story behind nearly all my avatar names. Andilynah is Andi: a misspelling of Andy which is short for Andrew who is one of my best friends. Lynah is a misspelling of Leenah which is short for Arleenah who is my daughter. The background photograph is my guild during beta in Lord of the Rings Online. Our names are strictly Sindarian from the region from whence we hailed. I own all the books, several related books, the Sindarian dictionary and book of names. I don't think people realize how much effort is placed into games pre-release. I chose an appropriate name for my original hunter. Her name is Alannor Greystone. We take too many server wipes to count before the game is ready. Most people aren't cut out for testing. If you're at all curious, during beta we kept our original guild name Anarchists of Destruction [AoD] but I changed it during the first day of open beta to be more lore specific to Alliance of the Devoted. From left to right in the photograph: Jamie on Theodraine, Me on Alannor, Scott on Heinrich and on the table is Brad on Lejund.
Not that it matters but most of my social media accounts have real photographs of me. Almost all my social media accounts are listed on each of the bio's or personal information of whatever social media account of mine you're viewing. Real photographs of me are available if you're that curious. I choose not to use my own photograph as a profile pic or a cover photo. That's my decision to make.
Some people try to hide online. My advice to those people is don't try so hard. If someone wants to find you badly enough, he or she will because in all honesty it's not that difficult. Your online presence is like a horse drawn carriage. It's far better to be at the reins in control of how you're perceived online than to allow your online presence to wander around aimlessly or worse go crashing about unattended. Choose your brand. Associate yourself wisely. Remember an error in judgement isn't the end of the world. However, allowing an error in judgement run rampant like a wild black stallion could be detrimental to your reputation both on and offline. Times are changing. Evolve and adapt or be left behind.
When Social Networking became en vogue many people weren't comfortable using their own photographs on their profiles. With the many security leaks and issues as to who owns your content I understand. Personally, I use both an avatar and a nickname on the great majority of my social media. Unlike many other people, it's not to hide my identity. I would be doing a very poor job if that were the case. It's a very deliberate way to associate myself with familiar things from my past that people I know would recognize.
Ana is my name. Yes really. It's on my business card. My friends call me Ana. On the reverse side of my business card is my family during beta in Glitch the game. My oldest daughter started playing during college. She invited myself and her sisters. It was a great way to stay in touch while we were apart. We still game together. Technology is a great way to facilitate communication when we're apart. Glitch is special to us. This is why I placed it on my business card and use it on some of my social media.
I use @blastkat or /blastkat or blastkat because I use blastkat for all my social media. Blastkat is a childhood nickname. My favorite book as a child was "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Caroll. My favorite character was the Chesshire Cat. I identified with it. For awhile I was Chesshire Cat because I was quiet and I came and went from room to room without people noticing as if I was vanishing. As children we didn't cuss. My Grandmother wouldn't have it. "blast" or "blast you" was as close as we came to cussing until Battlestar Galactica came out on television and we added another non-cuss word "frack" to our vocabulary. One year on vacation, I shot one of my cousins with a cap gun. I didn't mean to have the toy so close to his skin. He cussed at me the only way we could as children. He yelled, "blast cat"! It stuck. When I started using the name on regular arcade games, it was usually taken. Most arcade games after all did involve blasting. I changed the c to a k and have used it since. I was around eight when that happened.
The avatars I use on my profile are both custom designed by me. The profile photograph is one of my Second Life avatars: Andilynah Lorefield. There is a story behind nearly all my avatar names. Andilynah is Andi: a misspelling of Andy which is short for Andrew who is one of my best friends. Lynah is a misspelling of Leenah which is short for Arleenah who is my daughter. The background photograph is my guild during beta in Lord of the Rings Online. Our names are strictly Sindarian from the region from whence we hailed. I own all the books, several related books, the Sindarian dictionary and book of names. I don't think people realize how much effort is placed into games pre-release. I chose an appropriate name for my original hunter. Her name is Alannor Greystone. We take too many server wipes to count before the game is ready. Most people aren't cut out for testing. If you're at all curious, during beta we kept our original guild name Anarchists of Destruction [AoD] but I changed it during the first day of open beta to be more lore specific to Alliance of the Devoted. From left to right in the photograph: Jamie on Theodraine, Me on Alannor, Scott on Heinrich and on the table is Brad on Lejund.
Not that it matters but most of my social media accounts have real photographs of me. Almost all my social media accounts are listed on each of the bio's or personal information of whatever social media account of mine you're viewing. Real photographs of me are available if you're that curious. I choose not to use my own photograph as a profile pic or a cover photo. That's my decision to make.
Some people try to hide online. My advice to those people is don't try so hard. If someone wants to find you badly enough, he or she will because in all honesty it's not that difficult. Your online presence is like a horse drawn carriage. It's far better to be at the reins in control of how you're perceived online than to allow your online presence to wander around aimlessly or worse go crashing about unattended. Choose your brand. Associate yourself wisely. Remember an error in judgement isn't the end of the world. However, allowing an error in judgement run rampant like a wild black stallion could be detrimental to your reputation both on and offline. Times are changing. Evolve and adapt or be left behind.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
[truh-dish-uhn] Show IPA
the handing down of statements, beliefs, legends, customs, information, etc., from generation to generation, especially by word of mouth or by practice: a story that has come down to us by popular tradition.
something that is handed down: the traditions of the Eskimos.
a long-established or inherited way of thinking or acting: The rebellious students wanted to break with tradition.
a customary or characteristic method or manner: The winner took a victory lap in the usual track tradition.
1350–1400; Middle English tradicion < Old French < Latin trāditiōn- (stem of trāditiō ) a handing over or down, transfer, equivalent to trādit ( us ), past participle of trādere to give over, impart, surrender, betray ( trā-, variant of trāns- trans- + -ditus, combining form of datus given; see date1 ) + -iōn- -ion
1350–1400; Middle English tradicion < Old French < Latin trāditiōn- (stem of trāditiō ) a handing over or down, transfer, equivalent to trādit ( us ), past participle of trādere to give over, impart, surrender, betray ( trā-, variant of trāns- trans- + -ditus, combining form of datus given; see date1 ) + -iōn- -ion
Related forms
tra·di·tion·less, adjective
an·ti·tra·di·tion, adjective
coun·ter·tra·di·tion, noun
non·tra·di·tion, noun
pro·tra·di·tion, adjective
2. custom, practice, habit, convention, usage.
2. custom, practice, habit, convention, usage. Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2013.
Cite This Source
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2013.
Cite This Source
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Six truths you need to accept to pull yourself out of a rut
On some level everyone needs something or someone to ground them. That is bring them back to Earth. I don't agree with the article in it's entirety. I suppose I'm not seeing eye to eye with the writer. I'm seeing more of "the big picture". I believe love is unconditional. I believe the writer used some extreme examples. My Aunt cared for my Grandmother until she passed away. My Grandmother was well over a hundred years old. My entire family was home nearly every week end the last year of my Dad's life. I'm aware of many families like ours. I found #1 a bit selfish and sad. The rest of the article made me smile. In particular, #6 because it alludes to the fact that we already know what we want. My youngest daughter told me this very thing at lunch today. She indicated that whenever we're feeling indecisive flip a coin. Either the coin will decide for us or we'll decide the coin is wrong. Either way, we really already knew the answer but were reluctant to admit it. It's just a way of finding what's already there and accepting it.
Six truths you need to accept to pull yourself out of a rut
Six truths you need to accept to pull yourself out of a rut
Friday, August 16, 2013
The Rules are Unclear
I have not altered my behavior on Twitter. However, I've had my account suspended. Twitter unsuspended my account. However, the multiple reasons for why they suspended it to begin with are at best confusing. They also don't give me much to go on to prevent this from occurring in the future.
The most generic reasoning Twitter provided was it could be one of the following:
1. Inappropriate language: I don't curse. My language isn't inappropriate. My profile is public. Even if it was private, the fact remains the profile is still online. Anything you say online becomes associated with you. I want others to see me. I don't want others to see some inaccurate representation of me. Think of it this way: Anything you say, tweet, post, or upload online is like broadcasting on the side of a blimp at half time during Super Bowl Sunday.
2. Impersonation: Ana is my name. Yes really. It's on my business card. My friends call me Ana. I use @blastkat because I use blastkat for all my social media. Blastkat is a childhood nickname. The avatars I use on my profile are both custom designed by me. Not that it matters but I tweeted a photograph of myself with my children. I choose not to use my own photograph as a profile pic or a cover photo. That is my decision to make.
3. Posting other people's content as your own: I'm not even certain why someone would attempt this but I would suppose it would go along with impersonating someone because straight out plagiarism would be too obvious.
4. It says something about multiple accounts and the intent of the accounts. I can save them the trouble as I only have one. I don't use it to harass people. Not only do I believe in "do unto others..." but also my profile is public. That isn't how I'd want people to see me.
5. Spam: I really don't use direct messages unless I'm having a side conversation with a friend like Bob, Andrew, or Helmut. Yes, I could go to e-Mail or grab my phone but I'm already on Twitter. Otherwise I don't send DM's anymore. It's pointless and inefficient. I don't even like to reply to those things. You would see spam on my feed. I report people for inappropriate spam and unfollow them for excessive spam.
The second reason Twitter gave me was "aggressive following".
I had no clue what that meant and their explanation was even less helpful. I asked. My first and most detailed response came from a friend. I was able to verify this with others who were also suspended for "aggressive following". "Aggressive following" is following or unfollowing too many people (over a hundred for someone like me) in a specified period of time (twenty four hours). Twitter assumes it's to call attention to your brand. I never said anything to Twitter. I thought they'd verify it but they didn't, they instead sent me a third reason. If you are curious, in my honest opinion this was it. I use Twitter Counter. On August 1st, I gained 178 followers. I follow people back. I do so not only out of courtesy but also because I assume you follow me for a reason. I want to hear what you have to say. Your tweets will only show up in my feed if I follow you as well. I've been advised by friends to keep my follow and unfollow count under 70 per/day to avoid this problem. I suppose I'll just have to be more vigilant.
The third reason Twitter gave me was "excessive mentions".
Yes they also have a page to explain "excessive mentions". It's as clear as swamp water on a hot summer day. Originally I came to Twitter to read the news, keep up with Franklin Covey, MMORPG's and gaming. I have my own content. You're reading it. I have other avenues to promote it. If you want to know where I am and my preferences, check Foursquare. If you are interested in images of my life, check instagram or flickr. My daily life is on Facebook, Google+, or Tumblr. I also have two blogs and a website. I never intended to promote myself on Twitter. I'd rather engage, interact with and promote other people. My tweets are RT's, conversations, digests, books, and politely thanking others for retweeting. It's very difficult to avoid mentions. I've removed them from everything possible. However, if I talk to anyone, retweet, or thank anyone it's unavoidable. If this is really the issue, I wish they were more clear about what is and is not acceptable. I find myself widely spacing tweets and sparingly using mentions. I'm actually counting the number of mentions I use each time I tweet. Perhaps this sounds paranoid but it's just a lot of trouble to reset my digests that are curated off lists made up of my followers and those I follow.
I suppose I'm back to my original question which is "how do I avoid this in the future?" I'm not even one hundred percent certain I know what "this" is exactly. I suppose all I can do is take precautions and hope for the best. I guess I find it odd that a social network discourages socializing.
The most generic reasoning Twitter provided was it could be one of the following:
1. Inappropriate language: I don't curse. My language isn't inappropriate. My profile is public. Even if it was private, the fact remains the profile is still online. Anything you say online becomes associated with you. I want others to see me. I don't want others to see some inaccurate representation of me. Think of it this way: Anything you say, tweet, post, or upload online is like broadcasting on the side of a blimp at half time during Super Bowl Sunday.
2. Impersonation: Ana is my name. Yes really. It's on my business card. My friends call me Ana. I use @blastkat because I use blastkat for all my social media. Blastkat is a childhood nickname. The avatars I use on my profile are both custom designed by me. Not that it matters but I tweeted a photograph of myself with my children. I choose not to use my own photograph as a profile pic or a cover photo. That is my decision to make.
3. Posting other people's content as your own: I'm not even certain why someone would attempt this but I would suppose it would go along with impersonating someone because straight out plagiarism would be too obvious.
4. It says something about multiple accounts and the intent of the accounts. I can save them the trouble as I only have one. I don't use it to harass people. Not only do I believe in "do unto others..." but also my profile is public. That isn't how I'd want people to see me.
5. Spam: I really don't use direct messages unless I'm having a side conversation with a friend like Bob, Andrew, or Helmut. Yes, I could go to e-Mail or grab my phone but I'm already on Twitter. Otherwise I don't send DM's anymore. It's pointless and inefficient. I don't even like to reply to those things. You would see spam on my feed. I report people for inappropriate spam and unfollow them for excessive spam.
The second reason Twitter gave me was "aggressive following".
I had no clue what that meant and their explanation was even less helpful. I asked. My first and most detailed response came from a friend. I was able to verify this with others who were also suspended for "aggressive following". "Aggressive following" is following or unfollowing too many people (over a hundred for someone like me) in a specified period of time (twenty four hours). Twitter assumes it's to call attention to your brand. I never said anything to Twitter. I thought they'd verify it but they didn't, they instead sent me a third reason. If you are curious, in my honest opinion this was it. I use Twitter Counter. On August 1st, I gained 178 followers. I follow people back. I do so not only out of courtesy but also because I assume you follow me for a reason. I want to hear what you have to say. Your tweets will only show up in my feed if I follow you as well. I've been advised by friends to keep my follow and unfollow count under 70 per/day to avoid this problem. I suppose I'll just have to be more vigilant.
The third reason Twitter gave me was "excessive mentions".
Yes they also have a page to explain "excessive mentions". It's as clear as swamp water on a hot summer day. Originally I came to Twitter to read the news, keep up with Franklin Covey, MMORPG's and gaming. I have my own content. You're reading it. I have other avenues to promote it. If you want to know where I am and my preferences, check Foursquare. If you are interested in images of my life, check instagram or flickr. My daily life is on Facebook, Google+, or Tumblr. I also have two blogs and a website. I never intended to promote myself on Twitter. I'd rather engage, interact with and promote other people. My tweets are RT's, conversations, digests, books, and politely thanking others for retweeting. It's very difficult to avoid mentions. I've removed them from everything possible. However, if I talk to anyone, retweet, or thank anyone it's unavoidable. If this is really the issue, I wish they were more clear about what is and is not acceptable. I find myself widely spacing tweets and sparingly using mentions. I'm actually counting the number of mentions I use each time I tweet. Perhaps this sounds paranoid but it's just a lot of trouble to reset my digests that are curated off lists made up of my followers and those I follow.
I suppose I'm back to my original question which is "how do I avoid this in the future?" I'm not even one hundred percent certain I know what "this" is exactly. I suppose all I can do is take precautions and hope for the best. I guess I find it odd that a social network discourages socializing.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Facts and Stats about Sleep and How to Optimize it
I can go without sleep for days. If I take care of myself and don't make a habit of it, this has little impact on my performance. The infographic is interesting. It suggests that many adults and college students don't take care of themselves or know their limitations. It has great advice. My daughters and I take afternoon naps. I never thought this was unusual. I would suppose this is why we have sushi at midnight. It's my youngest daughter's hobby. During the summer months and during their breaks, we're very liberal about our recreation, dining, and sleep. All things in moderation and you'll do just fine. It's the habitual excessive behaviors that throw off optimizing progress, recreation, rest and positive behaviors and habits in life.
Facts and Stats about Sleep and How to Optimize it
Facts and Stats about Sleep and How to Optimize it
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Twenty five things happy people do differently
When I first read this article, I thought -- Well, yes. This is all common sense. From my perspective, it's all common sense but is it to everyone? Everyone has a different set of life experiences. This leads to different interpretations of events, instructions, stories, and even simple lists. Number 4. Stay close to everything that makes you feel alive. -- This can mean different things to many different people. It's always best to keep an open mind. You never know how what you write or say is being interpreted by your audience with one hundred percent certainty. You can only hope, follow logical guidelines, and be happy you potentially have the opportunity to change someone's life for the better.
Twenty Five things happy people do differently
Twenty Five things happy people do differently
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Seven pieces of fitness advice we actually want to follow
There are many individuals who are very self conscious about their physical appearance. These days it's to the point where not only are people self conscious about their own appearance but also of the physical appearance of anyone with whom they are associated. Other people can be very judgmental. For some people, a positive impression is everything. I'm the kind of person who believes in being professional but also remaining true to yourself. I believe people will either appreciate your talent and what you have to offer or you'll find something that suits you better. I personally find it necessary to be healthy. I know my limitations. I've watched others self destruct as they seek this imaginary path to perfection. Perhaps following advice such as the reasonable recommendations in this article would be far less self destructive and certainly safer for many who struggle to maintain "appearances".
Fitness advice we actually want to follow
Fitness advice we actually want to follow
Monday, August 12, 2013
Foods that keep you hydrated
This article is timely and good information even if you're already aware of it. It never harms anyone to be reminded. It's summer. As such, the weather is less forgiving. It's human nature to assume your body can withstand more physical demands than is reasonable. Rather than take unnecessary risks, it's simply responsible to take breaks and to take care of yourself in the heat by keeping yourself well hydrated and well rested. You're more productive when you're stronger. The stronger you are, the more you can realize your full potential.
Foods that keep you hydrated
Foods that keep you hydrated
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Learn a language for free - the five best websites
I found this intriguing. I only speak English. I can muddle my way through comprehending other languages. I understand Tagalog, although not as well as I used to when my Dad and my Grandparents were alive. In school, I learned French. I haven't spoken it since college. It's a difficult process for me. All my cousins speak some other language in addition to English. One of my cousins speaks Japanese. He indicated it's just good business practice. Life is a learning process. Never over look opportunities. It's the only way to improve.
Learn a language for free - the five best websites
Learn a language for free - the five best websites
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Everyone influences someone whether they know it or not
I actually already do this but if I didn't, I would because it's good advice. I've always valued clarity. Perhaps not for the same reasons. I admire Ina Fried. I very much enjoy reading what she has to say. I find her interactions interesting. In the social world, she would be one of my top influencers. It's her presence and how she impacts others that makes her stand out above the rest. Personally I delete items that I find confusing, would potentially be misunderstood, or that I believe are too personal. However, I find it's far better to think carefully before I post, tweet, blog, or upload. It saves me the extra effort of deleting it later. I'm not a machine. I hold conversations. I post or tweet passing thoughts. The fact that so many people react to my random comments is reason enough to re-evaluate what I leave public and what just needs to be removed. Everyone influences someone whether they know it or not.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Scratchable bone cast
I found this article. I definitely see the appeal. However, I believe it's another way that medical technology robs us of an important part of childhood. That is if you break a bone, I recall how cool it was to sign someone's cast for them. It's part of our culture. Everyone signed a friend's cast as a show of good faith and friendship. I still have friends who have old casts from when they were children because of all the good will graffiti. Why else would you keep such a memento. As medical technology makes some things simpler and better for us, it also takes away pieces of what make us culturally unique. Anthropologists of the future will be able to tell what era they've reached based on the level of technological advancement just like the anthropologists of today. I often wonder what their assessment of us will sound like.
Scratchable Bone Cast
Scratchable Bone Cast
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Candy Crush Saga
Often I receive e-Mail or even text messages regarding the life or death situation of Candy Crush Saga. Personally, I don't understand. I don't actually play the game. I installed it to be helpful to my daughters. My youngest daughter explained how this game works some time ago, when I first installed it. If I recall correctly, I'm sending much needed tickets that unlock levels. Without these tickets, players can't proceed and become stuck at whatever point in the game they have advanced. Players can always move backwards but require assistance to proceed forward in the game. They may ask me for this ticket once every twenty four hours.
My children play on a recreational basis. However, I've received some extremely desperate requests from friends. One friend actually posted that she had to quit playing permanently for the good of her household. She posted a lengthy status on Facebook. However, I've heard this exact and remarkably similar stories from other friends. I've always believed they were being a little melodramatic. Perhaps I was wrong.
What makes a game this addictive? There are many games that are quick and entertaining. I could be wrong but I see little advantage to interfering with this particular game. On the surface, it appears useless to hack or steal an account because there's nothing to gain. However, this isn't true of all games, platform or otherwise. When has a game transcended the point of being useful for relaxation, releasing stress, and recreation and become something that is damaging or even dangerous.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Irrational Fear
I found this spider by our cabin. It's not that large. My daughter's significant other has this irrational fear of spiders. I'm afraid we take advantage of this situation. My niece's significant other has an irrational fear of snakes. I can make a tiny snake smaller than my pen look huge. I like both boys. I wouldn't tease them if I didn't like them. Everyone has reasonable fears. Generally some kind of traumatic event escalates a reasonable fear into an irrational one. It may not even be something the individual can recall. Sending photographs of their fear, watching movies highlighting their fear, or directing an unsuspecting individual into an area where their fear is safely behind glass or is a fake rubber or plastic replica is one thing. However, there is a line that shouldn't be crossed. People have fear, irrational or not, for a reason. It isn't anyone but that individuals place to determine when, where, and how to even attempt to face this fear. Whatever anyone else's intentions may be the end result could potentially harm the person they are attempting to help. A joke is one thing. A crusade to save someone is another. Put yourself in that person's shoes and walk around in them before you attempt to replace them.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
An Interesting Difference between People and Animals
I'm visiting my children before the first semester of the school year begins again. My daughter has a pet rabbit. He loves attention. He's very intelligent. So far, he follows me, breaks into my room whether we have the gate up or not and whether the door is open or closed. He's a sweet little rabbit. It took a week to teach him boundaries. Essentially, we placed gates in front of closed doors. In that way, he couldn't go over nor under to enter the room. He receives plenty of attention. He just needed to learn what is and what isn't acceptable or appropriate behavior. Obviously pets don't speak so we find alternate methods of telling them what we want in this case it was just when was my time and when was our time. Animals might fuss for a little while but are remarkably good at taking cues.
People posses the power of communication. I find it unusual that you can tell someone "I need space" for example and it has the direct opposite effect. People are contradictory. They might agree to conditions that are for the best but take actions that are in direct opposition with what they say. Animals understand and are happy for your companionship. People are more complex in their relationships. It's these complexities that often lead to their unusual behavior.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Many people don't ask for what they want
Many people ask for opinions when what they seek is agreement or simply acknowledgement. I notice many posts, polls, and questions that ask for the reader's thoughts on the topic. However, the individual posting isn't really concerned with the reader's viewpoint. He or she wants people to agree with his or her views. He or she wants confirmation that he or she is doing the right thing. He or she is simply seeking to be acknowledged. It seems odd to me to pose a question when you really don't want an answer. It's different than asking a rhetorical question. By posing a question, it's more socially acceptable for the individual to become emotional or even angry if the respondents don't react in the expected manner. It's as if some people intentionally look for conflict. I find this counter-productive in a social setting to facilitate communication. Wouldn't clarity be the simpler path?
Sunday, August 4, 2013
There's a lot of emphasis placed on labels
I found this very interesting because I've experienced many instances in a short period of time. I find people are more comfortable if they can categorize things, people, and events. By placing labels on something it gives individuals, groups, or corporations something tangible to examine, refer to, or grasp. I often ask for paper bags or boxes at grocery stores if I don't use my own grocery bag. I'm labeled as "being green". I use my own grocery bag when we're walking and purchasing items that are heavy. My bag is re-useable and won't break. Therefore we don't risk losing groceries. I ask for boxes because I have two college students. It's convenient to have many different sized boxes when they move around each semester. The paper bags have multiple uses for crafting, covering floors when painting, to hold recyclables, and as stand alone trash cans. When our groceries are bagged in plastic, we recycle the plastic bags as small trash can liners.
I'm always asked what it's like to "be green" or how difficult it is to "go green". To be honest, there was no conscious decision to "go green" or to "be green". We've always had a garden. We've always recycled. My children and niece craft. My siblings and I craft. Now that our household is smaller, we usually don't adjust the amount of food we cook. Some of the left over food gets frozen for later. Some of the left over food gets re-purposed into other recipes. Some of it obviously gets eaten as left overs.
Our home is very large. Fans, space heaters, and our fireplace have always been more practical than our central air and central heating. For tax purposes everything down to our hot water heater is the most energy efficient, "green" one they install. In my honest opinion, there's a lot of emphasis placed on labels. I hike because I've always enjoyed it not because it's a "green" activity
I'm always asked what it's like to "be green" or how difficult it is to "go green". To be honest, there was no conscious decision to "go green" or to "be green". We've always had a garden. We've always recycled. My children and niece craft. My siblings and I craft. Now that our household is smaller, we usually don't adjust the amount of food we cook. Some of the left over food gets frozen for later. Some of the left over food gets re-purposed into other recipes. Some of it obviously gets eaten as left overs.
Our home is very large. Fans, space heaters, and our fireplace have always been more practical than our central air and central heating. For tax purposes everything down to our hot water heater is the most energy efficient, "green" one they install. In my honest opinion, there's a lot of emphasis placed on labels. I hike because I've always enjoyed it not because it's a "green" activity
Saturday, August 3, 2013
To Like or Not to Like
I enjoy social networking. It's like a window into the lives of my family, friends, and colleagues. While it's not a substitute for actual contact, it's a great way to show support and stay in touch. Admittedly, I try to approach one thing about this whole social networking process with a bit of caution due to it's ambiguous nature. I'm cautious of the "like" in Facebook or the +1 in GooglePlus because my intentions can be easily misinterpreted. If I "like" something does it mean I like it, enjoy it, agree with it or simply that I'm showing support for whomever posted it. Those are all very different intentions. If it is a political, religious, or somehow otherwise emotionally charged post, "liking" it can cause unintentional conflict.
I "liked" a photograph. Four hours later my friend associated this photograph with a religious post. It appeared as if I "liked" the post. I honestly don't know how that happened. I do know I was forced to defend my religious views that aren't on my profile for a reason. Unfortunately, I can't hide that part of who I am from childhood friends. I was attacked over a "like" on Facebook. It was a misunderstanding. Everyone removed their own posts, mail, e-Mail, and voice-mail.
In my case, it was an honest mistake. What about careless "likes" or cases where people genuinely intended on "liking" the post. Should the intent of the "like" be taken into consideration. I "liked" it to support my friend. I "liked" it to support the victims in the post. I "liked" it because I hope they find the little girl. I "liked" it to support cancer research. I "liked" it because I hope Jane gets well soon. Personally, I "like" the positive posts. If I intend upon showing support or giving my condolences, I'll comment. I find clarity is best.
I "liked" a photograph. Four hours later my friend associated this photograph with a religious post. It appeared as if I "liked" the post. I honestly don't know how that happened. I do know I was forced to defend my religious views that aren't on my profile for a reason. Unfortunately, I can't hide that part of who I am from childhood friends. I was attacked over a "like" on Facebook. It was a misunderstanding. Everyone removed their own posts, mail, e-Mail, and voice-mail.
In my case, it was an honest mistake. What about careless "likes" or cases where people genuinely intended on "liking" the post. Should the intent of the "like" be taken into consideration. I "liked" it to support my friend. I "liked" it to support the victims in the post. I "liked" it because I hope they find the little girl. I "liked" it to support cancer research. I "liked" it because I hope Jane gets well soon. Personally, I "like" the positive posts. If I intend upon showing support or giving my condolences, I'll comment. I find clarity is best.
Friday, August 2, 2013
About Favorites
Every time I'm asked what my favorite [fill in the blank] is, I feel as if it's a trick question. I have preferences. However, preferences and favorites are not the same thing. For example, I prefer iced tea or iced coffee over carbonated beverages. If I must order a carbonated beverage, I prefer Ginger Ale or Sierra Mist. However, I wouldn't call anything my favorite. Nothing is an absolute. I enjoy trying new things. It seems somewhat contradictory to the spirit of exploration to always be conclusively predictable.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
I completely intended on writing yesterday. It started out well. I fell. I don't mean tripped. I mean fell. It's been a long time since I've fallen and not broken bones. The last time I fell, I broke three ribs. I didn't want to worry anyone so I tried not to make a big deal out of it. I'm a bit bruised up and I have a busted blood vessel on my foot. My face looks alright. Ice cold beverages will do wonders.
I found an interesting and useful article. Although I admit I read it because of the clever bubble wrap reference. I wanted to share it with you.
I found an interesting and useful article. Although I admit I read it because of the clever bubble wrap reference. I wanted to share it with you.
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