Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Irrational Fear

I found this spider by our cabin.  It's not that large.  My daughter's significant other has this irrational fear of spiders.  I'm afraid we take advantage of this situation.  My niece's significant other has an irrational fear of snakes.  I can make a tiny snake smaller than my pen look huge.  I like both boys.  I wouldn't tease them if I didn't like them.  Everyone has reasonable fears.  Generally some kind of traumatic event escalates a reasonable fear into an irrational one.  It may not even be something the individual can recall.  Sending photographs of their fear, watching movies highlighting their fear, or directing an unsuspecting individual into an area where their fear is safely behind glass or is a fake rubber or plastic replica is one thing.  However, there is a line that shouldn't be crossed.  People have fear, irrational or not, for a reason.  It isn't anyone but that individuals place to determine when, where, and how to even attempt to face this fear.  Whatever anyone else's intentions may be the end result could potentially harm the person they are attempting to help.  A joke is one thing.  A crusade to save someone is another.  Put yourself in that person's shoes and walk around in them before you attempt to replace them.

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