Saturday, August 24, 2013

Remember and Learn From Your Past

This is one of the older style McDonald's restaurants.  There are a number of McDonald's in the area but my youngest daughter and I prefer not only the food, the service, and the convenient location of this one but also the novelty of it.  I suppose we could stop at a McDonald's that is equally convenient, with good service and food earlier or later in our route but it's not quite the same.  There is something different about old fashioned fast food places, restaurants, and locations.  One would have to visit and stay awhile or at least have a basis for comparison to understand my meaning. 

Similarly, there are other restaurants that have modern counter parts.  We prefer the original setting.  It's a reminder of a time that has long past.  For a little while, you are surrounded by the sights, sounds, and smells of the past.  It brings back positive memories.  If time travel is possible this is how one would facilitate it.  Simply step through the doors of your favorite memory.  Reminisce but don't allow yourself to stay.  The best thing about the past is remembering and learning from it.  Even sitting in an old fashioned fast food place there are many memories and much to learn.  The best thing about learning is when your truly learn from your past, you grow from it.  That alone is reason enough to explore the many little or not altered locations, restaurants, and fast food places one would ordinarily pass over for something a little more modern.

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