Friday, October 11, 2013

About Violence

There are many variations on this post.  The last frame always has the same theme.  It's normally three to six frames in length.  In the first few frames it displays other video games with ludicrous examples.  In a three frame tier, it might show a popular farming game with the caption "This doesn't make me a farmer." in the first frame.  In the second frame, it might display a popular cooking game with the caption "This doesn't make me a cook."  Regardless of the number of frames the final frame is always some kind of popular action or shooter game with the caption "Why would this make me a murderer?"  It makes a good point.  If a person isn't violent to begin with or doesn't have violent tendencies, no amount of TV, movie, or video game violence will make that individual violent.  In our world, there must be reasons for everything.  To have closure, we must know why.  There are wars.  There are bombings.  There are shootings.  There are car accidents.  There are kidnappings.  There are murders.  There are runaways.  There are plane crashes.  There are so many tragedies.  Even more so, there are people seeking closure who just want a reason why.  It's easy to place the blame on something inanimate.  In many ways, it helps to relieve some of the pain of the loss.  This blame is misplaced but if it helps to heal a broken heart as long as they do no harm, it doesn't hurt to hate a rabbit as long as there are no plans to kill it.  "Rabbit" being whatever the victim's family chooses to blame. 

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