Friday, April 28, 2023

Sometimes newer isn't better

My brother Jay, my cousin Rovin, and me stayed with our Auntie a lot when we were young. I have a lot of memories. I almost didn't know where to begin. I thought a good place is an early memory of an old popcorn popper. We used to watch a lot of late night or early morning television. Our Auntie would pop popcorn for us. I remember just sitting there watching it pop. The house always smelled of buttered popcorn. It's a happy place for me. Back then, there were cartoons or children's programs early every morning. My brother, cousin, and me would always watch. One year there was a wedding. I don't recall whose wedding. However, I do recall there was a menu choice, fish or steak. I chose fish. My brother and cousin chose steak. Most of the people who chose steak got food poisoning. My cousin got sick but has an iron stomach. My brother ended up in the hospital. My cousin and me got up at six in the morning every morning to call my brother so we could watch his favorite cartoon on the phone together. It was Starblazers. I looked it up somewhat recently. Someone remade it. In all honesty, it's probably better than the original with regard to graphics, storyline, and characters. However, there's a part of me that really wants to be that child watching that particular cartoon, eating buttered popcorn on our Auntie's living room floor. 

Sometimes newer isn't really better. It's shinier. It's prettier. It's cleaner. However, if the heart of the child who lives within me doesn't feel the need to rise at six in the morning so I can excitedly share a moment with my brother and cousin over buttered popcorn, then it's not better.

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