Friday, August 30, 2013

Technology is a Double Edged Sword

I often believe people use technology as a means to justify not keeping in touch with the people they care about the most. I find it's a double edged sword. It's both a wonderful way to stay in touch and a fabulous way to avoid being in contact. I'm not implying the latter is always intentional, simply that it can often be the case.  Missing calls or texts.  Not noticing voice mail.  Being too preoccupied with a project or daily life.  Not responding to social media, voice mail, or e-Mail.  If one is remiss in acting upon using the benefits of technology for too long, it's easy to lapse into a cycle of unintentional neglect facilitated by the very technology that simplifies engaging in communication.  In this world filled with cellphones, tablets, PDA's, iPods,  laptops, and apps to fulfill every need imaginable the only component that really matters is the human one.

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